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HErZ 2024 Summer School [Application closed]

Mod­ern Meth­ods for Atmos­pher­ic Pro­fil­ing

A hands-on course for Master stu­dents and ear­ly-stage PhD can­di­dates

Down­load Fly­er

Are you interested in

  • learn­ing how atmos­pher­ic pro­fil­ers work?
  • active­ly par­tic­i­pat­ing in a mete­o­ro­log­i­cal field cam­paign?
  • per­form­ing a first research project?
  • get­ting to know senior sci­en­tists, poten­tial employ­ers, and fel­low stu­dents in your field?

Registration/application closed


Appli­cants will be informed on April 12 about the reg­is­tra­tion sta­tus.

Key Information

  • Sum­mer school core time: two weeks, 12.–23. August 2024 at the Jülich Obser­va­to­ry for Cloud Evo­lu­tion (JOYCElocat­ed at Forschungszen­trum Jülich
  • You will work togeth­er with 2–3 peo­ple on a dis­tinct research ques­tion relat­ed to atmos­pher­ic pro­fil­ing. See the list of projects for details.
  • There will be  key-note lec­tures, dis­cus­sion rounds, BBQs and oth­er joint activ­i­ties and a con­clud­ing “sum­mer school con­fer­ence” with a poster ses­sion where each group presents their find­ings.
  • Par­tic­i­pa­tion is free of charge, includ­ing arranged accom­mo­da­tion, but trav­el and gen­er­al pro­vi­sions must be paid for by the par­tic­i­pants them­selves.
  • For Mas­ter stu­dents: the sum­mer school is val­ued with 6 ETCS. Stu­dents from Cologne and Bonn reg­is­ter for the METFUT II mod­ule. Par­tic­i­pants from oth­er HErZ part­ner uni­ver­si­ties, please coor­di­nate with your stu­dent advi­so­ry ser­vice how the course can be cred­it­ed.
  • For PhD-stu­dents: we will inform you about the suc­cess of your appli­ca­tion until April 12.
  • Prepara­to­ry sem­i­nar start­ing April 15  16:00 CEST (hybrid, Köln/Bonn), more info after reg­is­tra­tion; then bi-week­lyMon­days, 16:00 (hybrid) in sub­groups (with your advi­sors) to pre­pare the indi­vid­ual projects for the cam­paign
  • In case of ques­tions, feel free to con­tact us via the email address above.


The sum­mer school is car­ried out joint­ly by the Uni­ver­si­ty of Cologne (Insti­tut for Geo­physics and Mete­o­rol­o­gy) and the Uni­ver­si­ty of Bonn (Insti­tute for Geo­sciences, Sec­tion Mete­o­rol­o­gy) and fund­ed with­in the Hans-Ertel-Cen­ter for Weath­er Research (HErZ). HErZ is a col­lab­o­ra­tive research ini­tia­tive between the Ger­man Weath­er Ser­vice (DWD) and Ger­man part­ner uni­ver­si­ties.

With­in the HErZ HIRES-APP project, two cam­paigns VITAL (Verti­cal pro­fil­ing of the Tro­pos­phere: Inno­va­tion, opTimiza­tion and AppLica­tion) I & II will take place at Forschungszen­trum Jülich (August 2024), respec­tive­ly in the Aachen-Bonn-Cologne-Jülich (ABC/J) region (Sum­mer 2026)

The focus of VITAL I  is on the ver­ti­cal struc­ture of the tro­pos­phere to con­tribute to fill­ing the obser­va­tion­al gap of wind, water vapor and tem­per­a­ture pro­file obser­va­tions in the Atmos­pher­ic Bound­ary Lay­er. Nov­el, state-of-art  mea­sure­ment tech­niques will be test­ed, eval­u­at­ed and com­pared to each oth­er. VITAL I will take place at JOYCE and prof­it from the avail­able mea­sure­ment infra­struc­ture.  JOYCE is an ACTRIS Nation­al Facil­i­ty and a cen­tral part of CPEX-LAB — Cen­ter for Cloud and Pre­cip­i­ta­tion Explo­ration Lab­o­ra­to­ry with­in the Geover­bund ABC/J.

VITAL I will inte­grate the sum­mer school for atmos­pher­ic pro­fil­ing aim­ing at young HErZ researchers from the Mas­ter to PhD-lev­el. With­in a time peri­od of two weeks, we will offer intro­duc­to­ry lec­tures, hands-on-train­ing, data analy­sis and sup­port for a medi­al pre­sen­ta­tion of the results. Train­ing is offered on pas­sive remote sens­ing (microwave radiome­ter, infrared inter­fer­om­e­ter), active remote sens­ing (Doppler lidar, water vapor lidar), UAS (Uncrewed Air­craft Sys­tem — drone) pro­fil­ing,  tur­bu­lent flux obser­va­tions, atmos­pher­ic radi­a­tion,  aerosol pro­fil­ing, satel­lite pro­fil­ing, radiosonde sound­ing as well as  model/data eval­u­a­tion. Par­tic­i­pants will be able to choose their own research projects after the first prepara­to­ry sem­i­nar on April 15.

Additional Summer School support is provided by

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